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General Insurance

General insurance mainly concerned with protecting the policyholder from loss or damage caused by specific risks that provides payments depending on the loss from a particular financial event.



Insuring anything other than human life is called general insurance. Examples are insuring property like house and belongings against fire and theft or vehicles against accidental damage or theft. Injury due to accident or hospitalization for illness and surgery can also be insured. Your liabilities to others arising out of the law can also be insured and is compulsory in some cases like motor third party insurance

One of the main reasons one should insure is to protect one's belongings and assets against financial loss. When one has earned and accumulated property, protecting it is prudent. The law also requires us to be insured against some liabilities. That is, in case we should cause a loss to another person, that person is entitled to compensation. To ensure that we can afford to pay that compensation, the law requires us to buy liability insurance so that the responsibility of paying the compensation is transferred to an insurance company.


Various Bonds

Government Bonds

These kinds of bonds are issued and backed by the Government of India. In other words, the Indian government offers investors bonds at a fixed rate. The government also employs an investment banker, whose main responsibility is to serve as a middleman. However, it is difficult for retail individuals to invest directly in these bonds as the minimum investment amount is very high.

Corporate Bonds

These bonds are offered by corporate houses and are open to everyone. However, these bonds are not as safe as government bonds as the issuing companies are subject to market volatility, industry ups and downs, etc.


Our General Insurance Partners

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